Friday, October 9, 2009

Back and Forth

So this past week started with my dad in the hospital. He woke up one day with having trouble focusing his eyes, and thus having trouble with his balance. On Tuesday night my mother took him into the hospital's ER to have him looked at. It was decided that he was having enough cognitive and balance issues that he would be admitted into the hospital for evaluation. He was not kept as long this time and was released on Wednesday night with the understanding that he would have to start full therapy again.
I know, I knew in the back of my mind that these trips to and from the hospital were going to be happening, and were going to become more and more frequent as his disease progressed. However, the reality of the situation I am finding much harder to deal with than the idea. I hate hospitals, between my mothers long stays for her osteoporosis and back surgeries. And now my fathers long stays I have been to this hospital more than most people in their entire lives, and I am only 28. Just the idea of going to the hospital makes me whiny, tired and emotionally drained.